Monday, September 26, 2011


In the Old Mint, I saw a lot of interesting information. But the most interesting were articles about the separation of the races at schools called segregation. I heard only a little bit about that in my high school in Poland but this museum showed me things which I never heard about. I remember one picture of school busses escorted by police because it was just too dangerous. At some schools in white neighborhoods, rocks were thrown at black children as they left the busses. I think it’s really terrible that people are able to hate so much only because of another skin color. Sometimes I’m thinking how it will be, if people won’t look at the skin color and everybody will be the same...

1 comment:

  1. We're going to talk about this a little bit more because one of the most famous stories of school desegregation was here in New Orleans! Google the name Ruby Bridges if you get a free minute. It's sad that such small children dealt with so many ugly words.

