Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Houses in New Orleans

This is my favorite house in New Orleans. In front of the house, it's Mississippi River. The location is not very good, but the area is very quiet. There are many colors and styles of houses in that location. In my hometown, the houses are almost the same style. It is the best place to have a excellent party. people will crazy about party.
This is a single shotgun house. The address is 2508 Burgundy St, New Orleans. This house looks very easy. It's convenient for a small family to live. It's very easy to clean and this house is welcome for the people, who don't want to live in a big house. People live in single shotgun house easy to have good environment.
 This is a double shotgun house. The address is 926 St. Roch, New Orleans. If you have good friend, who want to live next you. This is an excellent choice. During the breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can talk with your friends. I like this color of the double shotgun house.
This house has a nice location. It's on the corner of two streets. Actually, I am living the house is like this one. It's really convenient for parking. But it's difficult to have a party. Usually, two family live in the whole houses. It's smart for the old people live in the downstairs. 


This house make me think about great parties, maybe because is at the corner of the street it is a house where the owner usually can see the parades go and have a lot more neighbors just because this house has more view to the street.

This one instead make me think about a quiet family, who sit at their porch at the evening to talk to the other neighbors about their days. You can see the kitchen from the street if they leave the door open and the contact with the surroundings is permanent.

Last for not least, this house for me represents the epitome of living together but separate. Three families, three houses, divided just by a wood wall. I can imagine how you can hear all the noises from the other families in your own house.

After look at these houses and compare them with the ones at the garden district is so clear to me why the culture between those two is so different. At the Marigny all the houses are so close one each other and some times with no space at all that the people there learned to interact
all the time, and that become part of their every day life. On the other hand, at Uptown the houses are separated not only by gardens but also by fences making people retreat to their own houses and avoiding any contact with their neighbors.


the reason of i like this house that is surrounded by green . and it's miditerranean style ,bule and white colours.it's reminds me the greek islands by the side of aegean sea. it's really fantasy.

i'm not sure is an double shotgun house or not ,
if sure. i guess is an special double shotgun.it's has white colour , pitched roof and bench floor.

This is my favourite house.There is a dog statue out side of the house, The road in front of house has two tying horses on either hand . Do you see the two iron art lamp on the wall .it's very classical , maybe this house is antique.

Next, i discuss about the different culture of people who lives in st.charles and marigny.why arts come from marigny circle. i guess is depends on people who lives here and communication.

The prototype and phenomenon is the source of artistic creation and inspiration.that's all of the small thing in the life or happened is provider of art material and prototype. The Nikolay Gavrilovich chernyshevsky has a saying "Arts originates from life ,but higher than life".I think this is the reason.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Field Trip

I am staying at a double shotgun house in New Orleans. The main characteristic of this type of houses is the layout of the house. The rooms are lined up one behind de other. For instance, my friend’s house has the living room first, then one room, then the bathroom, then another room and finally the kitchen.

2427 Burgundy St.

I choose this two-way shotgun house, because I liked the color of its doors.

832 Spain st.

This is a Creole Cottage. This type of house doesn’t have a front porch, and has four rooms without hallways.

The main characteristic is the sleepy pitched roof.

2430 Royal st.

912 Spain st.

This is a camelback house. This type of house is a variation of a shotgun that has a partial second floor over a rear of the house that looks like a hump on a camel.


these are my label's colour`````

A 4-bay shotgun

A camel back

A double shotgun

This is my interesting house


I choose this house because it’s original, and it reminds me of a polish house. Also, I like huge houses, so that’s why this building caught my attention. This building doesn't fit into any groups of buildings, it’s not a shotgun, and camel-back… it’s just a huge unique house. Houses on the other side of the street were small, most of them were just single shotgun houses and that’s why this house “stands out from the crowd”

This house is big and unique as well. I like it not only because of the size, but also because of the bright blue color. Once again it doesn’t fit to any of the groups. Houses around were pretty big like this one but none of them was so colorful.

And the last building, it’s a typical two-way shotgun house. These colors remind me a house from a fairy tale. I think that blue, white and red colors are harmoniously arranged. Almost all of the houses on this street were single or double shotgun.

Houses in New Orleans


French Riviera

Grassy Meadow
This three colors are my labels' colors.

A 3-bay shotgun  Address:910 St.Roch, New Orleans

A Creole Cottage  Address: 2510 Burgundy St. New Orleans

A single shotgun  Address: 2508 Burgundy St, New Orleans

A 4-bay shotgun  Address: 819 St. Roch, New Orleans 

This is my interesting house

A double shotgun Address: 926 St. Roch, New Orleans

A single shotgun  Address: 1021 St. Roch, New Orleans

  This is my favorite house in New Orleans. In front of the house, it's Mississippi River. The location is not very good, but the area is very quiet. There are many colors and styles of houses in that location. In my hometown, the houses are almost the same style. I also really like the houses beside of the St. Charles. I wish I can own a house in New Orleans.