Monday, September 26, 2011


One thing that surprise me in the race exhibition on the old mint was the differences between the process of loans for black people than to white people and how it was more difficult to black people to access and request a loan in the bank also that when a house was owned in the past by Afro-Americans the cost of the house decreases immediately and also that if a neighborhood have a lot of Afro-Americans people the cost of the house is going to decrease.

In my country something like that happen if a neighborhood have a lot of Cubans the cost of the houses are going to decrease.

Are we so different?

In this world .there are a variety of human,We are not different. we all have the hair.body.eyes.etc. we live in the same space . We are different. we have different colour. different habits and customs.
About me .i'm wondering why there is an descrimation. haterd .prejudice between race.anything is face to why these people never thought of what's they doing maybe that would happen on themself.
Can we interpreted as human evil? desire.vanity and so on .these full of the world and also result the existence of race.
Now we can say that's a cultule of the earth.


[Racism] is not about how you look, it's about how people assign meaning to how you look.”

Robin D.G Kelley.

History has shown us that people is different, so different that we had a world war because one person though that his race was better. Countries had fight sanguine civil wars because these differences and many people had die. But are we that different? Who was the first to say that some race was better to another? What is race?

I don't know. We might look different in the outside because the color of our skin or the shape of our eyes, but we are all humans. Sometimes we forget that we already belong to a group when we segregate ourself. What we are doing is separating each one of us from the others. Is like a bag of candies, they are all candies, different colors, different flavors, but all are candies from the same factory


In the Old Mint, I saw a lot of interesting information. But the most interesting were articles about the separation of the races at schools called segregation. I heard only a little bit about that in my high school in Poland but this museum showed me things which I never heard about. I remember one picture of school busses escorted by police because it was just too dangerous. At some schools in white neighborhoods, rocks were thrown at black children as they left the busses. I think it’s really terrible that people are able to hate so much only because of another skin color. Sometimes I’m thinking how it will be, if people won’t look at the skin color and everybody will be the same...