Sunday, November 6, 2011

My favorite house

 Lalaurie House is my favorite house from all the haunted houses. This is the most haunted house in New Orleans and also it is the most top ten haunted house in the Untied States. The ghosts from the Lalaurie house wanted to tell us about the story. Delphine and her husband, Leonard are killers. They killed a lot of slaves in their house. The ghosts wanted to ask help from anyone to catch Delphine and Leonard back to New Orleans from French. Although the salves died and people found the truth, Delphine and Leonard still ran away and didn't get the Legal punishment. So, the ghosts would still in the house forever. Although they were salves, they worked for the owner, but they couldn't kill them. Of course, I world be scared. Yesterday, I just saw the movie, "Para Normal". I was a little scared, if I saw the ghosts, I would told them I knew Delphine and Leonard were bad people. I will tell all the people about them, so nobody would like them.

1 comment:

  1. I would tell the ghosts that I knew that Delphine and Leonard were bad people, too!

